To the maximum of $384
($2 per additional copy requested at same time)
($2 per additional copy requested at same time)
Textbooks may be purchased by students from a vendor of their choice (such as Amazon). To learn more about Financial Aid and textbooks, please see the Student Handbook or contact the Financial Aid Office.
Estimate: $300 per semester
Payment of no less than one-fourth of all charges minus anticipated financial aid is payable no later than one week prior to the beginning of classes. Students shall make arrangements with the Business Office for payment of the balance, which must be paid in full prior to the end of the semester.
* Student accounts in arrears for 60 days are referred to a collection agency to procure payment.
** Students whose accounts are not up to date will not receive semester grades and cannot register for subsequent semesters or request official transcripts until accounts are cleared.
*** Tuition. Tuition fees cover the cost of courses taken by the student. The fee schedule supplies tuition costs for 12 credit hours (four courses). Additional courses will increase these costs by the designated fee for each three-credit-hour course exceeding the 12 credit hours covered in the schedule.
Heritage Bible College. All Rights Reserved.