The degree of Associate in Christian Studies is designed for the non-ministerial student who would like to attend a Christian college for the first two years of undergraduate studies to get a foundation in Bible, theology and the practices of the Christian church.
The Christian Counseling Track is designed to equip students with basic knowledge and skills in the ministry of pastoral care.
The Discipleship Track is designed to develop in students the ministry skills for efficiently and competently motivating and training believers in Christ for their personal spiritual development and a life of Christian service.
The Master of Divinity with a concentration in Christian Leadership is a graduate degree designed for the student who is ready to pursue ministry or Christian leadership professionally. The M.Div. combines advanced biblical studies with courses in leadership to produce a student who is truly a transformational leader.
The Missions and Evangelism Track is designed to develop in students the ministry skills for efficiently and competently sharing the gospel in various settings and cultures.
The Pastoral Ministry Major is designed to develop in students the professional skills to efficiently and competently perform the duties of pastor in a local congregation and to produce spiritually growing Christ-centered men and women with a commitment to a life of Christian Service.
The Worship Arts Track is designed to build a sound theological foundation for those who want to lead others in transformational Christian worship.
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