The Missions and Evangelism Track is designed to develop in students the ministry skills for efficiently and competently sharing the gospel in various settings and cultures.
1. CHI 302 Church History
2. EAS 101 Enhancing Academic Skills
3. ENG 101 English Composition I
4. ENG 102 English Composition II
5. ENG 301 English Literature
6. GS 201 General Physical Science
7. LS 201 Survey of Leadership
8. PSY 202 Introduction to Psychology
9. SOC 201 Introduction to Sociology
10. SP 102 Public Speaking
11. WOR 201 Survey of the Arts
12. WR 401 World Religions
1. CWV 212 Christian World View
2. MI 201 Principles of Church Growth
3. MI 204 Cross-cultural Communication
4. MI 205 History and Theology of Missions
5. MI 301 Foundations and Strategy of Church Planting
6. MI 405 Missions and Evangelism Practicum
Chosen from any available course not in the track
1. BI 101 Introduction to the Bible
2. BI 102 Book of Romans
3. BI 103 Bible Study Methods
4. BI 301 Pentateuch
5. BI 302 Historical Books
6. BI 303 Life of Christ and the Gospels
7. BI 304 Acts and the Journeys of Paul
8. BI 401 Poetic Books
9. BI 403 Pastoral and General Epistles
10. BI 404 Book of Revelation
11. BI 405 Hebrew Prophets
12. TH 211 Basic Christian Doctrine
13. TH 311 Systematic Theology I
14. TH 312 Systematic Theology II
15. TH 411 Christian Apologetics
1. DIS 101 Discipleship Concepts
2. MI 103 Introduction to Missions and Evangelism
3. WOR 101 Introduction to Worship
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